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Grass Driveway Posts

9 Small Driveway Design Ideas

Are you looking for some new and innovative small driveway design ideas? Working with a small space can be tricky, but with the right design ideas, you can transform a compact space into something both functional and stylish. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to maximize your driveway’s potential or a general contractor seeking innovative solutions, […]

6 minute read

7 Driveway Design Ideas for Multiple Cars

Are you thinking about designing a driveway for multiple cars but don’t want it to look cramped or cluttered? Managing space efficiently while ensuring your driveway is aesthetically pleasing requires thoughtful planning and the right materials.  In this article, we’ll explore some top driveway design ideas that cater to multiple vehicles and discuss the different […]

6 minute read

Understanding Recycled Asphalt Driveways and a Better Alternative

Recycled asphalt has gained a following due to its perceived affordability and eco-friendliness. As an alternative to traditional paving materials like concrete and asphalt, this option finds favor in various applications, including driveways. However, while recycled asphalt offers some advantages, it also carries a host of disadvantages that require careful consideration. This article explores a […]

7 minute read

The Definitive Guide to Permeable Driveway Pavers

Our lifestyle activities have an impact on the environment, which is why it’s important to seek opportunities to make a positive difference. Let’s explore practical ways to contribute and create a greener future together. This includes areas we might not normally think about, such as our driveways. The traditional materials used for driveways, such as […]

7 minute read

Understanding Grass Protection Mesh for Car Parking and a Better Alternative

Does your heart sink a little every time you see tire tracks on your carefully maintained lawn? Overflow parking can cause severe damage to your grass, but thankfully, you’re not without options. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about grass protection mesh for car parking, including why it’s necessary as […]

6 minute read

3 Common Problems with Driveway Fabric and a Better Solution

Driveway fabric has become a popular solution for protecting gravel driveways from issues such as sinking, shifting, and weed growth. However, driveway fabric isn’t flawless and it has its own set of problems. Understanding the concerns is the key to making an informed decision about your driveway’s durability and aesthetics. Understanding Driveway Fabric: A Brief […]

8 minute read

What is a Driveway Apron and Common Issues with Concrete Apron Driveways

The driveway apron is an important part of any home or commercial property. It serves as the transition between the street and the driveway, and provides a smooth surface for vehicles to travel on to protect your property from potential damage. Traditional concrete aprons are not without their problems – potholes, puddles, and cracks can […]

7 minute read

Understanding Grass Parking Mats

Parking on grass may be preferable for many reasons. You might not have the time or resources to have pavement installed, you want to choose the most eco-friendly parking option, or you may just prefer the aesthetic. Whatever the reason you have for using grass as a long-term parking solution, you need a way to […]

6 minute read

Best Practices for Building a Driveway with Grass Strips

Are you looking for a new type of driveway besides the standard asphalt or concrete driveway that most people have? There are plenty of benefits to choosing an alternative driveway and a plethora of options to choose from as well. Asphalt and concrete have been commonplace for a long time but alternative driveways are gaining […]

6 minute read

The Best Materials for Golf Cart Path Paving

There’s nothing better than spending a day on the golf course. That’s probably why so many new golfers are gravitating toward the sport of golf as they look for new ways to enjoy outdoor activities. Indeed, the fresh air, camaraderie, and friendly competition that 18 holes provide is truly one-of-a-kind, but if you want to […]

5 minute read