permeable-pavement Posts
Permeable Pavers made in the USA
TRUEGRID products are manufactured right here in the great ol’ USA. Our factories run 24 hours a day with American workers. Product is fulfilled from our warehouse with American labor. Our customer service people and tech support pick up the phone and you may detect a slight Texas drawl and polite southern hospitality. Our people […]
3 Ways Your Money Pit Detention Pond can be a Money Maker!
Detention ponds are expensive. They are expensive to build, expensive to maintain and eat valuable real estate. These ponds can be drowning hazards and when not properly maintained, as is more often the case than not, can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes and toxic bacteria. But not having detention is not an option. Not having […]
What can the little guy do to help protect against flooding?
Flooding is top of mind across the country with the extreme weather patterns over the last few years. It seems that 500-year floods come every few years now. As urban sprawl increases, the ability to absorb the impact of heavy rain events worsens dramatically. More buildings plus more concrete plus more asphalt equals more flooded […]
It Is That Easy Going Green
You may be absolutely sure that operating your business in a manner that doesn’t hurt the environment is socially responsible and ethically necessary, but are you also sure about how it will impact your bottom line? Fortunately, with today’s technology and cultural environment, ecological sustainability actually makes good business sense. For one, customers appreciate and are […]
The 3 Top Ways Construction Can Combat Flood Damage
The 3 Top Ways Construction Can Combat Flood Damage Natural disasters are inevitable, unpredictable, and devastating, as when a recent downpour in Rainier, Oregon, caused water levels to rise six inches, severely damaging property and affecting the town’s utilities. Weather events like these put life on hold. For the construction industry in particular, flooding washes piles […]
How can you eliminate your detention pond and save money?
All commercial sites need to consider stormwater management when being designed and developed. The traditional way to design for stormwater management is take a big chunk of land on a new site and use it to build a detention pond. The pond is designed to have capacity to detain the runoff from the entire piece […]
The best way to a headache-free gravel lot
Are you over maintaining an existing gravel lot? Are you over maintaining an existing gravel lot? Tired of the mud when it rains or dust when it’s dry? Sick of the constant maintenance and cost of bringing in more aggregate to fill potholes and ruts? …not to mention the wear n’ tear these issues […]
7 Ways Permeable Pavers Can Save You Money
7 Ways Permeable Pavers Can Save You Money TRUEGRID Permeable Pavers not only combat flooding but, by replacing your detention pond, can also be a great way to save money. Permeable paving is a key tool of Low Impact Development design and is encouraged by cities coast-to-coast. Here’s a few ways to save with TRUEGRID. […]
How Permeable Pavements Help to Prevent Urban Flooding
Written by Emily Matlovich of Design Ideas for the Built World In recent years there has been an increase in flash floods occurring in urban environments. According to The United States Geological Survey (USGS), the floods are caused by changes in land use associated with urban development. Some of these changes include the removal of land masses […]
Detention and Hurricane Season
Hurricane season is not yet over and stormwater detention is top priority for most rebuilding communities. Billions of dollars of damage have been caused by flooding across our nation with the deadly combination of extreme rain events and too much concrete. Detention ponds cannot keep up with the combination of the rain deluge, overflowing bayous […]