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Sustainability Posts

Urban Heat Island Effect: The Impact of Permeable Paving Solutions

Cities are getting hotter, and while there are a lot of reasons this is happening, one of the main culprits might surprise you – concrete and asphalt. This phenomenon, known as the urban heat island effect (UHI), essentially describes how urban areas experience higher temperatures than their rural surroundings. But what causes the urban heat […]

6 minute read

Low Impact Development: Sustainable Solutions for Urban Growth

Low impact development (LID) is a forward-thinking set of urban planning practices that minimize environmental disruption while enhancing natural water management. As construction and urban development increase, the need to balance development with environmental sustainability has become super important. Low Impact Development addresses this challenge by focusing on practices that work with nature rather than […]

7 minute read

How to Reduce the Impact of Urban Heat Islands

An urban heat island is a phenomenon that can cause a lot of damage, not just to roads and buildings but also to people. The concentration of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorbs and retains more heat than rural surroundings, leading to higher overall temperatures. This increase affects everything from air quality to energy use, […]

7 minute read

Brownfield and Grayfield Renovations in Urban Areas

As urban areas continue to expand and evolve, city planners and developers face increasing pressure to find sustainable, efficient ways to manage land use. Brownfield and grayfield renovations offer a promising solution, allowing cities to transform neglected spaces into valuable assets.  At TrueGrid, we’re proud to support these redevelopment projects with our innovative permeable paving […]

5 minute read

Sustainable Pumpkin Patch Ideas: Long-Lasting Paving

  With increasing environmental concerns, we should start thinking about eco-friendly solutions for every aspect of our lives and businesses, and that includes pumpkin patches. Here are 11 of our best pumpkin patch ideas to help you create a long-lasting,  sustainable pumpkin patch. The Need for Sustainable Pumpkin Patches Traditional pumpkin patch designs can significantly […]

6 minute read

15 Sustainable Construction Materials

The construction industry is changing towards greener practices for a sustainable future. Sustainable construction materials are key to reducing environmental impact and improving the durability of structures. These materials play a crucial role in revolutionizing the industry’s commitment to sustainability and building in harmony with nature. The Building Industry Shift to Sustainable/Green Construction Materials The […]

13 minute read

What is the Best Approach for Adding Gravel on Top of Grass?

There are many reasons why you might want to lay gravel on top of grass. Maybe you want to build a driveway out of gravel or you want to add a gravel extension to your already existing driveway.  You might be building a gravel walkway directly on top of grass, a patio, or some other […]

6 minute read

The Best Driveway Material for Cold Weather

If you live in an area that experiences a lot of cold weather, you know all too well the effects of cold on a variety of exterior household materials. The cold makes things brittle and more vulnerable to certain types of damage. It can also wear down certain materials over time, especially if those materials […]

5 minute read

The Best State and National Park Paving Solution

Our State and National Parks are some of the most beautiful and pristine areas of land in the world. From coast to coast, people enjoy going on hikes and generally admiring nature on land that’s been set aside for this specific reason. However, even State and National Parks require paving in certain areas, which can […]

6 minute read

How to Take Advantage of Houston’s New Green Stormwater Incentive Program

Flooding has become a major problem in many coastal areas of the United States, particularly in the Southern states. Houston is one example of a major city that has seen unimaginable destruction and devastation in their city as a result of flooding. Being situated just barely above sea level, Houston is forced to take the […]

6 minute read