Monster Mobile Crane Rental Yard in Clearwater, FL – TRUEGRID Pavers
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  • WHAT: Stabilized existing gravel yard
  • WHERE: Clearwater, FL
  • SIZE: 57,600 sq. ft.

TRUEGRID PRO PLUS helps customer stabilize existing gravel yard to mitigate dust issues, enable the yard to be used during/after rain events, and eliminate costly and frequent yard maintenance.

Project Scope

Stabilize existing gravel lot for mobile crane rental company to prevent future ruts/pot holes, dust, and shut down during rain events. Daily traffic of extremely heavy, up to 260,000 lb. vehicles.


The solution: Scrape, lay fabric and grid, fill. First, the contractor scraped the existing gravel yard to fix any pot holes or low spots that were created from daily traffic of 200,000+ lb mobile cranes. Next, a geotextile fabric was then installed to prevent any of the fine material from coming up which could lead to dust issues.  Once the site was prepped, all 57,600 sf of PRO PLUS was installed in 2.5 days which minimized down time for the yard.  A 5/8” clean angular stone was used to fill the PRO PLUS flush to the top of the grid.


The TRUEGRID PRO PLUS yard is now fully usable for the 200,000+ lb. cranes even during a rain event. No more dust as the grid prevents pulverization of gravel. The lot, which was previously unusable after heavy rains and basically a big mud pit, is now mud free and drivable 365 days per year no matter the weather. The cranes no longer have to be cleaned of mud frequently from the yard which saves time and labor. The wear and tear on the suspension and undercarriage of the cranes is eliminated as there are no more ruts and potholes to climb over. Drainage on the site is improved with the 1.8” depth of the PRO PLUS.  The yard will have daily traffic with the mobile cranes without any down time for yard maintenance.

LEED Credit Opportunities
  • Stormwater Management
  • Recycled Content
  • Innovation & Design
  • Materials & Resources
  • Heat Island Effect - No Roof


CO2 Saved

170.88 TONS

Equivalent To

35,975 Trees Planted

Plastic Recycled

76,032 LBS

Equivalent To


Stormwater Detained

112,020 GAL

Equivalent To

2,801 Large Bathtubs