The Pros and Cons of Cobblestone Driveway Pavers

The Pros and Cons of Cobblestone Driveway Pavers

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If you’re looking for new driveway options, cobble effect paving is a popular choice. Cobblestone has been used throughout history as a paving material for walkways, driveways, patios, and more. 

This unique paving material has a wide variety of pros and cons to consider, so in case you’re interested in cobblestone paving, let’s go over some of the benefits and drawbacks of using cobblestone pavers. 

cobblestone driveway pavers

What is Cobblestone?

The term cobblestone has come to mean a couple of different things in today’s world, but its true meaning refers to small natural stones used for paving. They are usually granite, but can be made up of other stones or a combination of stones like basalt, limestone, or other natural stones. 

Some paving companies will refer to their concrete bricks as cobblestones but this is informal, as concrete is not a natural stone even though it can be used to create pavers that look like cobblestone.

Cobble block paving is used mostly for its aesthetic charm. A cobble effect driveway has a unique look that many find attractive. This is the main reason why a person might choose cobblestone in a debate, as the natural stones look more authentic than engineered brick. 

Of course, some choose to opt for a combination cobblestone brick driveway with both materials used to complement each other. A fake cobblestone driveway is also an option for those who don’t want to pay for real stones. 

Paving cobblestones are usually round in shape, though the term cobblestone has come to encompass any natural paving stone. There is a type of cobble paving that uses shaped blocks, however. These cobblestone brick pavers are called Belgian blocks and are more uniform in size and shape, giving them the advantage of being easier to install than round cobblestone pavers.

Pros of Using Cobblestone Pavement

One of the reasons people love cobblestone so much is its durability. Natural cobblestone pavers used in cobblestone block paving have been used to build roads that have lasted for centuries. 

Cobblestone-look pavers are also naturally beautiful and have a unique, old-world charm about them. This is why many people choose to build a cobbled driveway or a small walkway with curved cobblestone pavers. 

In fact, for those who just like the aesthetic, cobblestone pavers can be used in conjunction with concrete, asphalt, permeable pavement, and other types of material to create a hybrid cobblestone concrete driveway or another type of modern cobblestone driveway. A cobblestone driveway also requires little maintenance, except for a weed-pulling and a spray-down every once in a while. 

Cons of Using Cobblestone Pavement

The main drawback to using cobblestone driveway pavers is the cost per square foot. The cobblestone cost per square foot is anywhere from $10 – $20, depending on the size, shape, and type of cobblestone. 

If you plan on building a granite cobblestone driveway on your own, the DIY cost will run you another $10 per square foot, on top of the materials cost. But, if you’re having a cobblestone installation done by professionals, you can expect the cobblestone cost to total out anywhere from $40 – $75 per square foot. 

If you’re wondering how much is cobblestone when compared to other common materials, it ranks among the most expensive. The cost is a fair bit more expensive, though you can make up some of that with the low cobblestone maintenance costs over time.

The cobblestone cost can vary a bit as well, especially if you use sand or mortar in between the stones. Mortar can crack and need to be reapplied, while sand can erode away and need to be replaced as well. Both of these materials will drive up the price a bit. 

Is There a Better Alternative to Cobblestone?

Yes, TRUEGRID permeable pavement is a superior paving option to cobblestone. Able to handle multiple colors and styles of gravel, TRUEGRID PRO LITE and TRUEGRID PRO PLUS pavers are just as stylistically diverse and appealing as natural cobblestone. They can also be used in conjunction with cobblestone to create a semi-permeable driveway with natural stone elements. 

A TRUEGRID permeable pavement driveway utilizes plastic pavers filled with crushed stone to create a 98%-permeable, level, and durable driving surface. TRUEGRID pavers are some of the most eco-friendly on the market and require almost zero maintenance over their 60-year lifespan. 

The installation process for a driveway made from TRUEGRID permeable pavers is also much quicker than cobblestone, with some installations being completed in as little as a single day. If you want a paving material that’s more affordable, stylistically diverse, and durable than cobblestone, contact a pavement professional at TRUEGRID today for a quote. 

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