How to Find Gravel That Hardens Like Concrete: 4 Options for Your Project

How to Find Gravel That Hardens Like Concrete

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When it comes to paving materials, gravel is one of the most versatile and commonly used options. Gravel comes in many different forms and can be used for anything from landscaping to building actual roads with a high traffic volume.

When using gravel for pavement intended to handle vehicle and/or foot traffic, certain types of gravel fare better than others. Some people even prefer gravel that hardens like concrete, for maximum durability.

When it comes to this type of gravel, there are a few different types that each have their own pros and cons.

In case you’re in need of a more durable type of gravel, let’s have a look at some types that harden like concrete:

Dense Grade Gravel

Dense grade gravel is made from small stones and crushed stone dust. It’s usually made from crushed limestone, trap rock, granite, or some combination of those three.

When compacted, this is a type of gravel that hardens like concrete and forms a semisolid surface that’s able to stand up to the rigors of vehicle and foot traffic. This type of gravel is considered practical and functional, but not exactly aesthetically pleasing.

It should also be mentioned that dense grade gravel is not very permeable due to the nature of its composition and should be avoided in wet climates.

Decomposed Granite

Decomposed granite is a type of gravel made from 100% pulverized granite. This type of gravel is ground into fine particles and will pack together to form a gravel that hardens like concrete when compacted.

Decomposed granite has suitable drainage properties for hardscaping, however, it’s not capable of draining water fast enough during high-volume rainfall. This is because the particles are too fine and don’t give enough space for water to drain through at a quick rate.

There are also two types of decomposed granite surfaces, stabilized and unstabilized. Unstabilized granite is granite that has just been packed down with no added stabilizers like chemical hardener or pavers. This is the cheapest option but completely untenable for paved surfaces expecting traffic, due to the rapid misplacement and deterioration of the granite.

Stabilized decomposed granite will last much longer and can achieve higher levels of permeability with the right type of pavers. Chemical hardeners like GraniteCrete can be added to this type of gravel to make it even sturdier and lessen maintenance requirements. This type of additive will typically reduce the permeability to almost zero, however.

Hard Pack Gravel

Hard pack gravel is comprised of multiple types of gravel. The base is usually made up of pea stone gravel, with finer types of gravel layered over the top.

Hard pack gravel provides excellent drainage because its base layer provides more room for water to drain through. The upper layers provide superior traction and stability as well, especially when stabilized.

Unstabilized hard pack gravel suffers the same downsides as every other type of unstabilized gravel, namely an extensive amount of maintenance. With stabilizing pavers, however, hardpack gravel is actually the most durable type of gravel that hardens like concrete.

By utilizing TRUEGRID permeable plastic pavers, you can achieve 100% permeability as well, making hard pack gravel the optimal choice if you’re looking for top performance in all the relevant areas like durability, maintenance, etc.

TRUEGRID Pavers Can Make Gravel Last Longer Than Concrete

The main downside to using gravel as a paving material is that it’s cheap and breaks down easily. Gravel spreads and disintegrates in no time, requiring you to constantly replace it and rake it back into place.

By implementing a gravel-stabilizing solution like permeable plastic pavers from TRUEGRID, you can lock your gravel into place and prevent it from spreading or breaking down. TRUEGRID PRO LITE and PRO PLUS pavers are compatible with almost every type of gravel, and not having to worry about durability opens up your options.

Limestone, granite, peastone, trap rock, and many other common types of gravel are perfectly compatible with TRUEGRID pavers. This means not only will you be able to reap the benefits of increased durability and permeability, you’ll also have complete stylistic versatility.

The installation process for these pavers is incredibly fast and can be completed in a fraction of the time of most other paving materials. Once installed, your pavers will last up to 60 years without needing to be replaced. They require almost zero maintenance and are resistant to all deteriorating factors.

Find the Perfect Concrete-like Solution with Stabilizing Gravel Permeable Pavers from TRUEGRID

Made from 100%-recycled plastic, TRUEGRID pavers are one of the most eco-friendly paving materials on the planet that can be used to install gravel that hardens like concrete.

If you want to create a hard, level-paved surface that outperforms concrete in every way, don’t hesitate to call TRUEGRID today and get in touch with a pavement professional who can get you pointed in the right direction.

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