TRUEGRID Commercial Gravel Installation
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Step 1

TRUEGRID was developed to be diverse in application and installation type.
The following installation process is for a TRUEGRID Commercial Lot w/100 % Pervious Cover w/a Subsurface Detention Base.
Before you begin: Site Prep
- Excavate to depth as specified on approved site plans
• Proof roll subgrade.
• Make sure you have proper total depth including base depth plus your TRUEGRID depth.
• It is important to ensure the site is excavated such that the TRUEGRID product is flush or slightly recessed below the surrounding grade - Install any under drain system if specified on approved site plan. Sloping subgrade will also allow for sheetflow in needed direction.
Step 2

Installation steps
- Install geotextile fabric per manufacturer’s specification...adds stabilization to subgrade & separation from base aggregate.
• Note: Subgrade must be relatively dry with no standing water prior to TRUEGRID® paver installation. - Install base material per approved site plans
• TRUEGRID recommends to install the base material in 4” lifts
• After each lift it is recommended to use the compaction equipment - Complete base material installation with final pass of compaction equipment
• It is important that the base material is level enough so that the TRUEGRID is fully supported
Step 3

- Start in corner of site with male tabs on grid facing out. Line up grid and connect next grid section. TRUEGRID will typically go down at around 1000 SF per man/hr.
- Install TRUEGRID SuperSpots if specified on approved site plans
Step 4

Spread fill material into TRUEGRID PRO PLUS
- A fully loaded gravel truck can drive on the empty TRUEGRID PRO PLUS to speed up the fill material installation. This ability saves a lot of installation time.
- TRUEGRID recommends to fill the product flush to the top and not overfill. Overfill is an option, however, there will be maintenance for the loose overfill aggregate.
- Final heavy roll or compaction may be necessary to settle in infill aggregate for topping off cells that are not completely full.
Completed Installation

Technical Specifications
Looking for product specs, cut sheets and CSI documents? Visit our Technical Info page to download PDFs, BIM objects and CAD files for all of our products.
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Need help with your project?
Work with our knowledgeable and experienced team. We're here to help you specify the right TRUEGRID product for your project and assist with your site specific design ...from surface to subgrade.