Exploring Alternatives in Parking Lot Pavement Design - TRUEGRID Pavers

Exploring Alternatives in Parking Lot Pavement Design

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[Posted on May 21st, 2015 by: Barry Stiles]

While environmentally damaging and impervious materials like concrete and asphalt have long been the standards of parking lot pavement, new design options now include eco-friendly, pervious alternatives. As the status quo is changing, builders, architects, and engineers can maximize their Low Impact Development (LID) projects by creating a parking lot that meets the sustainability standards outlined by the EPA.

TRUEGRID offers a 99-percent permeable paving solution to the problems and high environmental costs of traditional pavement material. Just how does it work, and what are the advantages of choosing our unique, patented paving system? We’ll explore those questions and more in the sections below.

What is a permeable pavement system?

The term permeable pavement is a rather broad one and actually encompasses several materials, including porous asphalt or turf and so-called pervious concrete, but only one option out of the group is actually 99-percent permeable and therefore able to offer the best possible environmental protection measures. Plastic ground reinforcement grids are the epitome of green pavement solutions, and our TRUEGRID paving system is the only one of its kind designed for any and all industrial and commercial projects-as well as residential applications.

How do I create a permeable parking lot pavement design for my LID development?

Our permeable paving system makes things easy for developers. TRUEGRID is shipped directly from the manufacturer (that’s us) to you. And from your doorstep to completion, TRUEGRID projects take only a fraction of the time and labor investments required of traditional materials like concrete. Contact us directly with the square footage and location of your project, after creating an LID parking lot design plan, to get the best possible pricing on a TRUEGRID system that will meet your needs.

Will it cost more to choose a permeable pavement alternative?

In one word, no-TRUEGRID paving systems are considerably more cost-effective than traditional pavement materials. Once installed, TRUEGRID pavers require virtually no maintenance, easily lasting through decades of use without sustaining the kinds of surface damage common to traditional parking lots (cracking, staining, etc.) Beyond cost- and time-efficiency, the TRUEGRID permeable paving system also offers developers the advantage of 100-percent land utilization and saves the expense and hassles of additional construction (such as retention basins, storm drains and other requirements of traditional parking designs).

What are the advantages of a permeable parking lot pavement design?

The benefits of permeable pavement are numerous and far-reaching. Perhaps most important are the environmental benefits. Just a few of these high-value eco-advantages include:

    • Reduced surface heat and resultant “Heat Island Effects”
    • Efficient stormwater management and runoff prevention
    • Significantly increased dust abatement
    • Ample space for trees and other plant-life

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