Is it complicated to install a grass paver system at my business?
Not at all. Depending on the size of the project and the type of install application, you can choose to install the system yourself, or with the help of a landscaper. The steps are simple and easy to follow:
Still feeling a little unsure? Visit our installation page to learn more about the finer points of installing your system. For commercial applications like fire lines that are H-20 or HS-20 rated, see our downloads page for fire lane grass cross-sections details.

How long does it last before it needs to be replaced?
Anywhere from 20 to 25 years. That’s more than three times the 15-20 year lifespan of asphalt. What's the secret to TRUEGRID's longevity? We make the strongest available grass pavers on the market, and with a compression strength of 6800 psi pre-fill, it will outlast any type of lot made of grass only. It can be used specifically to extend the lifespan of your grass by providing the stability it lacks naturally and preventing it from rutting or getting washed out
How much maintenance is associated with this system?
Virtually no special maintenance for your system is required, and you won't have to worry about the regular repairs you would need for an asphalt or concrete paver. The paver itself is expected to provide the necessary support for your root system, negating the need for any additional fertilizer. You only need to care for your pavers as you would for any other grass lot. Your paver system will be supporting and stabilizing the surface, increasing the lifetime of the lot and eliminating maintenance worries about rutting, washing out, and your grass dying. If an irrigation system is used, Irrigation heads can be nested inside the grid cells.

We’ve always dreaded those times when we’ve had to close our parking lot for repairs. It’s inconvenient for our customers and bad for our business, but we know the problem won't be fixed until we do so because asphalt pavements have to be fixed, no matter what the cost. However, ever since we installed your grass paving system, our lot stays pristine with hardly any maintenance from us! No cracks, no potholes, and best of all, no flooding! We recommend your product to all other business owners who work with their clients face-to-face.
When we first learned about your product, we thought it was too good to be true. How could such a long-lasting paver be so easy to install and maintain? We were sure that there was some hidden gimmick but we still decided to give it a chance after hearing so many rave reviews. After installing our own grass paver system, we’ve become believers. It came with easy-to-install instructions and results that exceeded all of our expectations. It's beautiful, easy to care for, and still shows no wear whatsoever! We’re only 2 years into the 60 year life expectancy of our TRUEGRID, but it’s been enough to convince us that we made the right choice!