How do permeable pavers work?
Permeable paver systems allow storm water to pass through the surface so that vehicles can be parked on it without flooding concerns. These permeable pavers can not only withstand any kind of traffic or vehicle weight load, but also allow water to infiltrate quickly through the surface into a water detaining rock sub-base, thereby greatly improving stormwater management . This technology also provides soil stabilization and prevents gravel migration or compression so the surface remains functional and permeable during any type of weather event, whether it be rain, snow, or sleet. Unlike gravel-only surfaces that rut and wash out, necessitating frequent maintenance, TRUEGRID permeable surfaces are durable, stable, and long-lasting. Permeable pavers also provide a practical solution to water pollution by bioremediating more than 65% of the pollutants and hydrocarbons from the water that passes through it and the soil subgrade. Communities utilizing permeable pavers gain a stronger surface to support development as well as a cleaner water supply that helps the natural environment thrive.

What are permeable pavers made of?
There are really two kinds of permeable pavers.
Will permeable pavers look right at my business?
Our pavers can be customized to offer an upscale, natural aesthetic that won’t degrade over time. Because our permeable paving system is a grid of cylindrical cells that you can fill with your choice of rock or grass, it can be tailored to suit any design or project. Many of our clients use different colored rocks and patterns to create unique designs and hire architects to integrate our pavers into a myriad of projects, such as high-end retail and commercial buildings, medical offices, restaurants, sporting venues, greenways, and industrial lots. TRUEGRID’s cells can hold a variety of different fill materials, protecting them so that they they remain stable in all conditions. Those who don’t like their grids to be visible can also choose to overfill the cells.

I put a lot of time and effort in decorating my space and I didn’t want to ruin its look with a plain, black asphalt parking lot. Everyone knows that your parking lot is your client's first impression of your business, and I wanted to make one that did my business justice. So when I discovered TRUEGRID, I was excited. I immediately started thinking about how I could customize my parking lot and create a convenient and memorable parking space. Today, my clients always comment on how impressed they were, even before they walked through the door, and I know that I have your pavers to thank.
Before I switched to your pavers, I had to get my parking lot repaired frequently. This meant that a lot of other things had to be put on hold, making things really inconvenient for me and my customers. But now, my pavement is the least of my concerns and I never have to worry about finding alternative parking for my customers or juggling things around to accommodate pavement repairs!