TRUEGRID products are manufactured right here in the great ol’ USA.Our factories run 24 hours a day with American workers. Product is fulfilled from our warehouse with American labor. Our customer service people and tech support pick up the phone and you may detect a slight Texas drawl and polite southern hospitality. Our people buy groceries here, raise families here, chase their dreams here. No matter where they may be from originally, they pay U.S. taxes and do their best to keep the ‘Made in-the-USA’ tag synonymous with quality.
One recent political slogan is ‘Make America Great’. I’d add an “er” to that statement. America Is Great. I see greatness every day with the folks we work with, from our customers to our employees to our suppliers. I witnessed it last year during and after Harvey’s floods. Neighbors helping neighbors. Strangers helping strangers. Greatness comes not only from the top down but permeates from the bottom up and in every layer in the middle. Can we be better, greater? Always. But don’t tell the folks who are doing great things every day that America isn’t the greatest place in the world. It is.
Next week we celebrate of our nation’s independence and all the sacrifices and hard work that made America free and great. Thank you for supporting American manufacturers, helping us be the best we can be. I wish everyone a safe and truly happy 4th of July.
Best, Barry Stiles |